We kicked off our first sea swim session last night and were delighted to see so many familiar and new faces there, we had almost 70 swimmers take part.
As you can see from the graph the water is only beginning to warm up so don't be put off by it for now, it gets a lot warmer as the summer continues.
Thanks go to the club members who helped out in the beginner's session, Padraig Hanly, Cecilia McGuinness, Adrian O'Connor, Alan Watters and Scot Reid. We had a lot of swimmers who'd not been in the sea before so well done to all of them for getting their open water careers underway.
Thanks also to Lynsey Dunne and Matt McGarrigle for looking after the intermediates and advanced swimmers.
Some people didn't have swim hats or used cloth/latex ones, you really need a good silicone hat (some people will wear two) at this time of year.
Hope to see everyone there again on weds, let's meet at 6:15pm in the same place and get into our groups.