We've had complaints in relation to some of the club swimmers over the past two weeks so here are some club guidelines on swimming again.
Our sea training base is Rosses Point, safe as beaches go, but not without some dangers as with any body of water.
Never swim alone, under any circumstances, even on a busy beach. Unless it's lifeguarded it's very unlikely that anyone is watching you or would notice if you did get into difficulty.
Always swim parellel and close to the shore. If you or another member of the group get into difficulty it's easy to get to shore.
Chest deep water is more than adeqaute to swim in, there's no need to be in 20ft of water.
Wear a brightly coloured swim hat, swimmers are difficult to see by watercraft. This is especially important with Rosses Point becoming more popular with kitesurfers who move very quickly in shallow water. The Yacht Club also use the cove for training and races, their marker bouys should never be used by club members for training routes.
Do not swim to the left of the swimming pool, there is a very strong and dangerous current here, a club member ignored the council signs in place this week and was caught in the channel and almost needed to be rescued but got out safely. A rescue of club members did take place in the same channel last year. There is no need to swim anywhere near the pool, there is almost 1.5km to swim in to the right of the pool.
Let someone at home know where you're swimming and when you expect to return, this is in case your group gets into trouble so that someone knows to check on you.
It varies from person to person but don't swim immediately after eating as it may lead to cramp.
Council lifeguards will be on weekend/bank holiday duty (11am-7pm) in June and provide a 7 day service in July and August.
Be aware of conditions and tide, if in doubt ask the lifeguards. Tide tables are available from all watersports shops and are a must for open water swimming.
Check out the Irish Water Safety Tips below
Contact sligotriathlon@gmail.com with any questions.