Last week we awoke to the very sad news that Paul Rennick had passed away while in Australia. The news was as shocking as it was terribly sad. Paul was a larger than life very outgoing personality and had links to the tri club too, with many members counting themselves as friends of Paul. He competed in our triathlon events (all the way back to the events in the 90's) and watched over us all last summer in rosses point as lifeguard while we trained. He completed the first warrior of the sea swim last year (pictured in red) and organised the blackrock lighthouse swim himself later that summer. He was a true waterman, a talented and brave surfer as well as a kitesurfer, openwater swimmer and lifeguard. He will be sorely missed and our thoughts go to his family and fiancee.
His father Tony was a huge part of Irish Water Safety in Sligo through the 80s and 90s and Paul was very close to him and a dedicated fundraiser for St Johns Hospital, Sligo. Paul was instrumental in setting up the surflifesaving teams for Sligo and was team manager in 2010.
A close friend of Paul's, Derek Parle, has set up a Paul Rennick Memorial Trust account at AIB Bank Sligo. This is to help toward the repatriation costs and funeral. Any surplus would go to Paul's chosen hospice charity in Sligo. If anyone would like to help out, contributions may be made via the branch or by transfer to:
Sort Code: 937258
Account: 30221016
IBAN: IE7 AIBK 9372 5830 2210 16