Thanks to David Downes for chronicling his recent Ironman adventure. For anyone new to the sport the Ironman is probably the biggest endurance challenge an amateur athlete can undertake, and is not something to be taken lightly. The following article is essential reading for anyone contemplating giving one a go...
Austria Ironman 2011
The Hare & the Tortoise
Morning of race got up at 4 to go and get breakfast then headed for the start.The atmosphere was electric when we arrived at 5.15.We got all our gear stowed away and headed to the race start.We arrived on beach where 2800 competitors greeted us with about another 2000 spectators there.While there Sean turned to me and said treat it like a long training session and he was right.I knew if I stuck to my plan I’d be well under the 17hr cut off point.
Canon went off at 6 and what can I say chaos for the first 4 or 5 minutes people pulling your arms ,lying on your legs it was everyone for themselves.It eventually calmed down then I remembered my race plan .Swim long,sight properly and draft if you can I kept saying in my head.The lake part of swim went great for me then we headed up the canal on the final 800m.This section of race flew it was like swimming on a wave been pushed along by all the competitors.Finally the swim was over it was now a 400 mtr run to bike transition.I decided before hand I was going to walk and take 15 mins in both transitions.Got cycling gear on and headed off..Course was a fast course with 3 big climbs on it.The hill sections were like the Tour de France .Writing on the roads,hundreds of people lining the hills Screaming hoop hoop super David which made the hills go easier.The course was 2 laps of 90k each. As I was finishing my 1st lap Mario Vorenacher the winner was finishing his 2nd he was 90k ahead of me and the fastest thing I’d ever seen on 2 wheels.During the 2nd lap I was sick of gels and powerbars so switched to bananas and coke for the rest of day.Eventually made it back to transition after 7 hrs on bike where I put on my running gear and walked out of transition.
Started running looked at my watch had 8hrs to do marathon,I knew at that stage I was going to do it.My plan was break the run down into 5ks keep the legs moving at all costs no matter how slow.At 15k I heard keep going Downesy buck The Hare was passing me.It was great to see Sean I shouted keep going he was going very well.When we passed each other a few minutes later we slapped hands and wished each other the best.Then it dawned on me I had to do another lap he was nearly finished. Got to 21k marker 1st half of marathon done 21k to go.Everthing going well until 35 k then legs felt like I was running with 2 concrete runners I had to walk for about 800m.At 36k got my legs going again .As the k’s started to go down legs started to recover adrenaline was kicking in I knew I was only a few minutes away from been an ironmanWell what can I say about the finish I turned the final corner all I heard was DAVID DOWNES IRELAND.It was a 200m run to the finish line.2 granstands full of people clapping and screaming my name ,cheerleaders and a lightshow in full flow.I got to the finishing line and I heard the greatest thing in all my sporting career... DAVID DOWNES YOU ARE AN IRONMAN. Very emotional moment 6 mths of training had led to this moment.I felt on top of the world.I Collected my finishers medal very proud of myself.2 hrs later met the other ironman .We celebrated over a pizza and steak.
My journey began on 20/12/10 when I went to Ronan Mac Joes2Pros and told him what I was doing. I did 2 fitness tests with him where he worked out my heart rate zones pinpointed my strengths and weaknesses.Then he did up a training plan which was brilliant.It basically meant training 6 days a week approx 2 hrs a day.As I neared the big day we worked out a fueling strategy and I had a bike fitting session.So if any of ye are planning to do any races I’d recommend Ronan he’s 1st class.From day 1 my only goal was to finish.Get to the finish line at all costs.I knew I had to race smart.All day I used my HRM to make sure I stayed aerobic. I’d say I managed to do 85% of race aerobic.Also I read a great book Be Iron Fit By Don Fink which simplifys everything about ironman .
So finally I’d like to thank a few people who got me here.My wife and kids who basically didn’t see me for 6 mths because of training so thanks Anna,Ryan,Conor,Cillian. .My training partners Andy John and Declan.
Finally 3 years ago myself and Sean did our 1st sprint triathlon .To have reached the pinnacle of the sport in such a short time is amazing.I would recommend as many people in the club to strive to do the the ironman.It is the most challenging and one of the most rewarding days of your life .But it’s all worth it when you hear the words 'YOU ARE AN IRONMAN'.

P.S Sean look what I had when I came home