The stills show the camera angles we will be using, 2 under and 2 over water.
It's useful to bring a bathrobe or big towel to keep warm in between your videod lengths. You will only swim 2 lengths in the session, one for two front camera angles and one for two side angles and will be sitting on deckside getting cold in between.
We will gather at a later date to analyse the strokes and all swimmers will get a CD with their video on it (only theirs, no one elses). The purpose of the session is to allow people see what their stroke actually looks like and to identify areas for improvement. This is the 5th session the club has ran with previous ones proving very successful. There really is nothing like seeing your own video to get an instant understanding of your strengths and weaknesses in the water. This will be discussed at next weeks swim talk.
Everyone attending the Sunday, Friday and Tuesday swims are encouraged to attend. Any club members outside of swim sessions are also welcome but please email shane_odoherty@yahoo.co.uk so we know our numbers. The sessions is not open to non club members.
Club member Mark Capillitan will be kindly doing the underwater video again, check out Mark's website http://markcapilitan.com/
Club members will avail of this session for free.
Any questions email Shane.