There will be a talk by club swimming coach Shane O'Doherty on Tues 26th October in the Carraroe Church Hall at 8pm. The talk is aimed at newcomers to swimming and triathlon but all club members and people outside the club are very welcome to come along to this free session.
The talk will take approximately 1 hr and there will be an opportunity for questions afterwards. The talk won't be complicated and will present easy to understand principles you can apply to your training immediately.
Topics to be covered will include:
- Equipment
- Technical aspects of the stroke
- Training Effect
- Training Plans
- Explanation of drills
- Common stroke problems and how to correct them
- Underwater video analysis
It's well worth going along to since there's a lot of stuff that can't be covered during the pool sessions for time and other practical reasons.
To get an idea of numbers, if you plan on coming please email shane_odoherty@yahoo.co.uk