Congratulations to Sligo Triathlon club members Paul Mc Garry and Kieran Fitzgerald on succesfully completing a 8.5km full length swim of Lough Gill. The swim took place on Saturday the 16th of October at 10:30am. Paul and Kieran began their swim at Shriff the furthest easterly point on the lake and finished in Aughamore boat house. Weather conditions on the morning were perfect with glassy water in the absence of any wind. The water was 12 degrees. Both swimmers were accompanied by two canoeists and a speed boat. kieran finished the swim in 3 hours and 1 minute and a delighted Paul Mc Garry finished in 3 hours and 26 minutes. Kieran plans to put this swim on the 2011 open water calander sometime at the end of august next year. Leitrim man Keiran adds this to an impressive list of swims including the English Channel while Paul becomes the first Sligo man to swim the length of the lake.