Monthly Long Cycle training: (revised Dates)
Due to the adverse Weather experienced over the past Month we have effectively cancelled 3 of the cycles so its back to basics starting Sunday 23 Jan with an 80k cycle. The rescheduled times are shown below:
Well guys the time has arrived for the old saying – long winter miles equals summer smiles! The proposal for the long distance cycle is to start at approx 80km and build to 180km over a four month period. This training is primarily for those aiming for half Ironman and upward or for the Etapes cycling event which allows you to ride a stage of the Tour d’France on closed roads or indeed if you are thinking of doing the tour of Sligo or the Wicklow 200. The emphasis of the rides is not to race each other but to stick to heart rates of about 65-75% Max HR or just below your lactic threshold. If you are looking to burn more fat, loose weight and get some conditioning then it is better to stick to about 60% max HR, above 60% you tend to burn more carbohydrate than fat. These HR are indicative and not necessarily true for everyone, the only way to really know is to get tested. I have tried to keep the circuits so that there are plenty of options if people want to take shorter routes but join the main bunch for say 40-50km. These cycles are Long Steady Cycles so you’ll need a fair bit of base already in the tank to start them, they wont be easy but they do promise a bit of fun talking to others rather than yourself. Bring plenty of food and at least two drinks to sustain you, there will be no coffee stops! There will be no racing! If people want to show bravado they can do it on their own time! We will keep in touch nearer the dates in case of adverse weather etc. Meeting time will be 8:45am and leaving at exactly 9:00am on the button these are long rides and everyone has family commitments so no delays!
The proposed Revised dates are:
Sunday 23 Jan 2011 – 80km – Sligo IT- Ballygawley – Keadue – Drumkeeran – Dromahaire- Sligo IT.
Sunday 27 Feb 2011– 105Km Sligo IT – Dromahaire – Drumkieran – Drumshambo – Ballinagleragh – Drumkeeran – Dromahaire – Sligo.
Sunday 27 MArch 2011– 130km – Sligo IT – Geevagh – Over Arigna – Drumshambo – Ballinagleragh – Glenfarne – Manorhamilton – Dromahaire – Sligo.
Sunday 24 April– 155km – we’ll do the tour of Sligo route. (I think the actual Tour is the 8 May?? this year)
Then the real deal the tour of Leitrim!
Sunday 22 May – 180km – Sligo IT – Geevagh – over Arigna – Drumshambo – Ballinamore – Drumbeagh – Drumakeever – Blacklion – Cornageeha – Drumkeeran – Manorhamilton – Newtownmanor – Drumahaire – Sligo – phew!
Map shows the main areas apart from the Tour of Sligo route.
For more details contact John Hanly johnhanleynazareth@eircom.net