This blog is no longer being updated, please go to www.sligotriathlon.ie for the latest news from Sligo Triathlon Club.
One of Ireland's original Triathlon events takes place once again in Rosses Point, County Sligo on the weekend of 4 - 5 August with the Olympic event taking place on the Saturday and the Sprint event on the Sunday. Entry prices for both events are a very reasonable €45 for individual entries and €60 for relay teams. Entry is now open on www.triathlonireland.
the club running session has been moved to the sports complex this Thursday evening @1900 to coincide with the meeting.
Turbo for this term starts this coming Wednesday Jan 18th at Sligo IT from 7pm. Please get there at least 15minutes early in order to set yourself up.
Payment for the 11 week term is 35 euro and you can pay on pay pal (below).
The format for the class is:
30 minutes circuit class with club coach Sean Flannery.
1 hour turbo with club coach Colm Casey and then a cool down.
It's a great mid-week work out so be sure to come along if you can. You won't regret it next summer!!!!
Couple these sessions with the club Sunday cyles and you'll really see the results in 11 weeks.
Pay here via PayPal:
Stephen from Chain Driven has kindly agreed to post a series of articles on bike equipment on our new website (which will shortly be taking over from this blog).
The info is brand neutral and will always give a range of the options out there.The term will be 12 weeks commencing Tue 10th Jan 8am session. The price is €95. Same times as last term Tue 8am, Wed 10pm, Thur 8am, Fri 7pm, Sat 7pm & Sun 7:50pm. The Wednesday sessions have 2 coaches so there will be a specific lane for beginners to work on technique. So if you are struggling in the water that session might be a little be more benificial. The other lanes in the session will cater for more experienced swimmers. The same as last term.
For insurance purposes All swimmers must be a club member (you can join by downloading the membership form, paying the €40 annual fee & bringing it along to the session -to the left of this blog). You must also be at least an associate member of Triathlon Ireland (€5.00) ( see the TI website for details ).
Sligo Triathlon Club starts off the club race season with the Rosses Point Duathlon on Saturday, 10th March at 12pm. This race will be great performance tester for those of you preparing for the upcoming season, and to see if the winter training has paid off. The course will be based on a similar course to Rosses Point Sprint Triathlon, so it is definitely recommended for those of you giving that a go this year.
Race Route:
The race will start with a 5km run following a circular route from the transition at the beach car park around Rosses Point village. Very similar to the Rosses Point sprint course. Competitors will then return to transition for the cycle leg. The cycle route leaves transition towards Sligo taking a left at Cregg. Then taking the right along the lower Rosses Point road. Followed by another right which will take competitors towards Sligo again. A sharp descent will lead back onto the main Rosses Point road where, taking another right, the route travels straight back to transition. The same route as the sprint race minus the trip to Cartron. The final 2.5km run will be an out and back of the 2nd beach.
Race Details:
Competitors can register for the race on the Triathlon Ireland web site http://www.triathlonireland.com/. Entry will cost €20. As usual, a one day licence (€10) or full membership (€50) of triathlon Ireland will be required to compete. Just waiting on TI to put the link on their website and the event is open. Please pass the word around.
On the day, sign on will take place in the Yacht Club from 9am-11am. Race briefing will take place at 11.30am. Race start 12.00pm. Showers & refreshments will be available in the Yacht Club after the event. Entry will include a customary technical t-shirt. The club will also be holding a social on the saturday vening in our club sponsors Mc Hughs bar. We will be awarding the prize for club duathletes of the year.
Hope to see you there!
The term will be 12 weeks commencing Tue 10th Jan 8am session. The price is €95. Same times as last term Tue 8am, Wed 10pm, Thur 8am, Fri 7pm, Sat 7pm & Sun 8pm. The Wednesday & Sunday sessions have 2 coachs so there will be a specific lane for beginners to work on technique. So if you are struggling in the water that session will be a little easier. The other lanes in the session will cater for more experienced swimmers. The same as last term. For insurance purposes All swimmers must be a club member (you can join by downloading the membership form, paying the €40 annual fee & bringing it along to the session -to the left of this blog). You must also be at least an associate member of Triathlon Ireland (€5.00) ( see the TI website for details ).