
Following on from our club meeting and Catherine McGlinchy’s great bit of research it was apparent that members were not happy with the proposed format for the races as they were: too spread out, the new locations were too far from town and the new club members were a bit intimidated by the whole thing. A lot of members also thought that you needed a special Time Trial bike to participate. (which couldn’t be further from the truth). As you can appreciate it is very difficult to deal with the requirements of all levels of cyclists within the club so we have come up with the following solution:
1. The first four races will be run out of Rosses Point.
2. We will commence with an out and back 14km TT. Your splits will be taken at the turn around point after 7km. your best split time will then be put forward for points. However the more advanced cyclists will compete over the full 14km. Depending on wind direction you can decide to push it on the out or back section of the course, using one leg of the TT for a warm up or cool down as the case maybe. So this is a TT race anyone with a small bit of cycling under their belt can tackle on any type of bike.
3. Like wise for the 28km race, we will take your best split at the half way point (14Km) and again the better cyclists can compete over the full 28km with their time being averaged over the two 14km legs for comparison and points.
4. The emphasis this year will be on it being a training event rather than a competition . After each race we will publish everyone’s times on the blog/web site so that you can see how you are doing as the weeks progress. You may start off by simply trying over the 7km distance and finish up later in the series doing the full 28km.
5. As previously stated Time Trialing is all about improving the intensity of your training over slightly shorter race distances, they are an excellent way of bringing on your speed and helping you for your full triathlon debut.
6. Closing date for entry will be Sunday 17th April just before midnight - 11:59pm.
You must as a minimum be an affiliate member of Triathlon Ireland (TI) to enter the race, but preferably a full member. This will then indemnify the club in relation to running a TT as a training event. If you are not a member of TI at the time of entry, your entry will not be accepted. There will be no exceptions.
Preference will be given to club members who are TI members on a first come first serve basis then we can look at TI members outside the club. A system of handicapping will be in place in order to ensure that the everyone has a fighting chance, in addition to the usual 1st, 2nd, 3rd,prizes will also be given for the biggest improver over the course of the event.
As with any of the club events its success relies on availability of Marshalls therefore each entrant will be asked to pick at least one of the 8 events which they will marshal. We are allowing 60 people to enter, with a maximum of 50 people allowed to ride on any given occasion. As some people won’t turn up on to every event and entrants must marshal at least one race, we don’t think there will be a problem with numbers. If you wish to race on the day you are allocated to Marshal it is up to you to get a suitable replacement and you must notify John Hanley in advance of the change. No replacement marshal on your designated marshalling day means no racing.
Health and safety are of paramount importance and if we do not have adequate marshals the race will be cancelled. As the races will take place on live roads you will be expected to obey the normal rules of the road and ride safely at all times. You are responsible for not only your own safety but that of the other riders as well. Anyone not following the rules of the road will be disqualified.
There will be a total of 8 Races of which you must complete 5 if you are to obtain maximum points, however apart from the races that you must marshal you can take part in as many as you like. Entry Fee: The entry fee is a one off payment of €20 which must be paid up front through paypal – no other form of payment will be accepted. Entry will close on Sunday Night at 11:59pm. If you are having difficulties with paypal get one of the club members to help you out and give them the cash in return.
There will be no entry on the night!!
The Races will take place on the above dates – meeting 6:45 at the Carpark in Rosses point for the first four races. Race starts at 7:00pm sharp:
Anyone who is new to Time Trialing, should just ask any of the organisers for advice and we’ll be happy to advise on TT bars, Clips, Helmets – there is not question too daft, so please feel free to have fun and enjoy the craic! We don’t take ourselves that seriously as a club!