Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Goal Swim Challenge - 24 Mile Swim

Club member and previous winner of the Metalman Swim Series Scot Reid is going to be taking part in the GOAL Charity Swim on Sunday 17th April.

He has to swim 24 miles in 24 hours in the pool! That's 64 lengths per hour and a shoulder crunching 1545 lenghts in total

He will swim a mile every hour and can rest for the remaining part of that hour depending on how long it takes him to swim it, then back in again 23 more times!
It presents all types of challenges for sleep deprivation, skin care, sinuses, feeding and hydration and probably a few other things you wouldn't even think of.

Best of luck to Scot, no better man for it of course

If anyone is interested in finding out more or making donations to GOAL should contact Scot