We're very happy to announce that we're starting a new coached swim session next week. The sessions will be from 9:50pm to 10:40pm on Wednesday nights in the sports complex.
We will have club coaches Colm and Shane running the classes so there will be good coach to athlete ratios. As with the other sessions all abilities will be catered for whether you are shaving a few seconds off your times or trying to string a few lengths together.
Time in the complex is hard to come by but we will continue to push the complex in the new year to get the best slots we can.
This will be a short term of 4 weeks to take us up to christmas and will cost €25 which is very competitive when compared to other swim lessons/coaching.
If things go well we will continue this session into the new year.
This session is open to all club members even if you're already in one of the coached sessions and if it's you second coached session it allows us get some fitness/endurance/strength work done to compliment the technique work we're already doing.
A lot of people have already been in touch with me to reserve places, if you'd like to go email me shane_odoherty@yahoo.co.uk
You can register and pay the term fee on the night from 9:20pm in the public gallery in the complex. In the event of over subscription (all the other nights filled immediately) it will be first come first serve on weds night for registration so please come on time.