The local sprint tri is fast approaching...
We have now got a firm 320 entries with a possible further 15. the final final closing date for late entries is today! -we'll only be accepting transfers upto the 16th July and then no further changes.
Everyone needs to have a licence and must bring photo ID with them if they are using the one day licence system as advised by TI. TI will issue us with a list for our race of one day Licences so we can double check. It is one licence per relay team.
Check the race homepage for updated run and bike routes which will be posted shortly...
ATTENTION CLUB MEMBERS: It is important to bring one (or more) marshalls to help out on the day -hopefully ye will all have friends/ family members out cheering ye on during the race; now would be a good time to persuade them to pitch in as marshalls. Usually a local race is marshalled by club members who alternate between marshalling and racing each year -the club is slightly unusual (and fortunate) to have a large number of new members who will (almost) all be participating so the assistance of outside help is needed to make sure the event goes smoothly, so start buying the pints/ bribes needed to get someone to give a dig out.
Good luck with the final training, and to anyone racing tomorrow in Ballina.
Everyone needs to have a licence and must bring photo ID with them if they are using the one day licence system as advised by TI. TI will issue us with a list for our race of one day Licences so we can double check. It is one licence per relay team.
Check the race homepage for updated run and bike routes which will be posted shortly...
ATTENTION CLUB MEMBERS: It is important to bring one (or more) marshalls to help out on the day -hopefully ye will all have friends/ family members out cheering ye on during the race; now would be a good time to persuade them to pitch in as marshalls. Usually a local race is marshalled by club members who alternate between marshalling and racing each year -the club is slightly unusual (and fortunate) to have a large number of new members who will (almost) all be participating so the assistance of outside help is needed to make sure the event goes smoothly, so start buying the pints/ bribes needed to get someone to give a dig out.
Good luck with the final training, and to anyone racing tomorrow in Ballina.