Round Seven 27k (2 laps)- Wednesday the 14th of July @ 7pm - Meet -6.15pm
We had a smaller turnout for round six and with the good wind conditions fast times were set and some crucial points were collected with the absence of the big guns. Round seven promises to be a cracker with Micheal Devins away maximum points are again up for grabs in the senior male section. Rumor has it that Alex Cary (Eire Og), Neill Walton, Paul Keohe (Innisfree Wheelers) and Colm Casey will make a return to action to try and challenge Sean Flanery for top spot.
In the intermediate section Tommy Shiredan looked unstoppable but Declan Byrne has him within his sights. If Paul Burns makes a return he could challnge for top honours. With the immanent arrival of a new baby Stephen Carty better get a few more tests done or we might miss him for the rest of the summer.
An interesting battle is brewing in the rookies section with Neill Dwyer on top being closely followed by MSC tri Ciaran Clancy and Ronan Brennan. Cecilia looks like she has the ladies section wrapped up. She must of scared the competition away as there has being a poor showing from our lady members.
With four time trials left all is to play for in the league. Just to remind anyone who is not participating in the league the door is open if you want to get in some race pace efforts before Sligo triathlon at the end of the month and the time trials ideal for some race pace training.
Male seniors - Six Prizes
1 st Micheal Devins 60
2nd Brian Sexton 51
3rd Alex 'juan' Carey 46
4th Sean Flanery 44
5th Colm Casey 38
6th Jason Mc Morrow 37
Male intermediate - 4 Prizes
1st Tommy Shierdan 65
2nd Declan Byrne 50
3rd Paul Burns 43
4th Stephen Carty 43
Rookies and Novices - 3 Prizes
1st Neill Dwyer 59
2nd Ciaran Clancy 54
3rd Ronan Brennan 51
Females - 2 Prizes
1st Cecilia Mc Guniness 69
2nd Kate Hawney 24
3rd Mairin Laffey 17