Friday, April 30, 2010

Training and event update

The Thursday night bike sessions are continuing to grow, with three groups taking to the road last night for beginners, intermediate and advanced cyclists. It is hoped that as the season progresses we can develop more training specific to each of these groups -in the meantime meet on Thursdays @ 6:15 at the roundabout outside Summerhill College.

Payment for the club gear is also due so if you still have not got round to it contact John ( or post it to: John Hanley, Nazareth House, Church Hill, Sligo -marked private and confidential.

The last of the local duathlons takes place this Sunday in Boyle @ 12pm, it is being part organized by one of our members and proceeds are going to a very worthy cause so if you are free it is well worth a trip to Lough Key -more details here.

The triathlon racing season proper is almost upon us and the club is looking to establish course records for club members (male/ female by age group). We are looking for records in Sprint, Olympic, Half-Ironman, Ironman (if anyone is mad enough) and records for best club 10k run, 40k time trial and 750 and 1500m swims. If you are racing don't forget to mail your results to, as this is the first year of compiling these records now is the perfect chance to get your name into the club hall of fame!