Check out some footage from the last session here Sligo Tri Club on YouTube. Cameras above and below the water record each swimmer from the side and also from the front as they swim down the pool.This can catch things like a bad kick or bad body position very easily which can then be corrected.
The sit down analysis of the video will be carried out with all the swimmers on a different night and separately from the normal swim sessions. This will be carried out in one of the local community halls with details to follow once confirmed.
Each swimmer can also get a copy of their footage from the club if they bring along a USB memory stick.People's privacy will be respected and clips will not be available to anyone except the swimmers themselves.
This type of analysis is beneficial to all levels of swimmers from beginners to advanced so everyone should get involved. The idea is that people tackle problem areas in their stroke afterwards.
We have a limited time to carry this out during the Tuesday session, with that in mind we will only be recording swimmers who were not involved in our December session. Any swimmers from the Friday session who did not get video in December should come along on Tuesday 9th February. Swimmers must arrive no later than 9:30pm to allow running order etc to be set since we will be tight on time and need to start right on time.
Thanks to local photographer and club member Mark Capilitan for providing his underwater video services free of charge once again to the club (http://www.markcapilitan.com/). Contact Shane O'Doherty at sligocitytriathlon@gmail.com with any questions.