The Club Turbo Training sessions are going from strength to strength with about twelve members meeting in Carraroe Hall on Thursdays for a one hour bike session, followed by thirty minutes of strength and conditioning exercise.
Participants arrived at the venue, set up their own bikes and equipment and then set to work assembling the three newly purchased club turbo trainers. The new trainers are to be made available to club members for club training sessions such as this for a small fee. This is to enable new members who are interested to partake in club turbo training sessions who dont own their own trainer.
The bike part of the session is led by Colm Casey and is based on interval training. The majority of members use heart rate monitors to guage various intensity levels and train in the correct training zones. Other participants used their perception of intensity; which can be difficult to train accurately but 'does the job' to a lesser extent. This is a also a great opportunity for members to train in a group, learn some basic bike skills and get the jump on the dark winter nights and poor weather conditions .
The strength and conditioning part of the session was led by Sean Flannery. Ten circuits were laid out; consisting of ten different exercises, all with unique challenges for different people. After three completed circuits there was a sigh of relief but a great workout none the less. This will no doubt hel

p to set down a solid base for the upcoming triathlon season, wheather your plan is to race just once or travel the country to events.
Unfortunately all club Turbo Trainers are now booked but if you have your own there are still a few places remaining.
For those of you who are interested in buying your own check out Chain Driven Cycles on High Street, who supplied the new Turbo Trainers to the club and are offering 10% discount to Sligo Triathlon members.
Garys Cycles also stock Turbos, and are club sponsors. They also available online.
There are still 8 weeks left in the course so contact Wayne McNulty for further details on 0868377755 or email
Club Running also continues on Wednesday at the Institute of Technology carpark at 6.30pm and Fridays at 6pm from the Sports Complex. Contact Club Run Organiser, Damien McSharry for details on 0878163852