Saturday saw the running of the annual Warrior of the Sea 6km swim from Rosses Pt to Strandhill. Conditions were challenging but thankfully made the event runable.
Wind was a moderate south westerly and there was next to no ground swell.
Things kicked off with a smooth, straight forward swim across the channel with a run over the end of coney island. Conditions were quite choppy after re-entering the water making it difficult to get rhythm going or to sight the first buoy. It was hard going around the islands with low cloud on the ox mountains which is an important sighting point for the swim. Once around bluerock things got much easier with a flat Strandhill making it easy to see the big sand dune and make the final push to the strand. A good crowd had gathered on the beach for the finish which made for a great atmosphere for the swimmers as they exited the water. Water support was excellent all the way along and made people feel safe and really helped with guiding people in the right direction. Water temperature was low with a lot of upswell this week, 16 very brave swimmers went without wet suits. A strong national turn out made for an extremely competetive event with local lifeguard John Morton taking overall honors with what can only be described as a devestating swim.
The club was extremely well represented both in numbers and performances. Our very own Lynsey Dunne took the Warrior of the Sea title in the female category with an impressive swim that leaves her well set up for her English Channel attempt at the weekend. Lynsey is picture receiving her handcarved trophy from organiser Scot Reid along with Sponsor (and competitor) Willie Tyndall.
Shane O'Doherty was the first club member ashore with Swim Series Winner Caoimhe ni Mhurachu and Alan Shaw both breaking the two hour mark with impressive swims. Trevor McSharry, John Burrows and Marie-Claire McKenna all broke the 2hr15 with strong swims. Padraig Hanley finished well with Lisa Dunne close behind in her first Warriors Swim. Channel Swimmer Kieran Fitzgerald braved the elements leaving the wetsuit behind with Darren Duncan right behind him at the finish. Adrian O'Connor, Paul Burns and Wayne McNulty reached the shore in close succession. A visibly cold John Hanley finished just in front of Paul "Sam" McGarry. Sandra Deery and Martha Van Der Mulen crossed the line together pushing each other along the way. Anthony Blake put in a heroic display to finish his longest swim to date, regretting his big breakfast at the final buoy where he off-loaded it onto one of the kayaks! Bryan Whelan was close behind and John Dolan finished to round out a great day for the club.
A bbq was enjoyed in the Strand Bar afterwards by all particpants and volunteers.
Everyone enjoyed the event which was organised by club member Scot Reid.
Full results are available on www.wots.biz
Well done to all warriors!