Every effort possible was made to secure additional pool time in the Complex and then anywhere else without any luck, the complex is seriously oversubscribed and the private pools don't want to disrupt their members pool time.
What that means is that we have 48 places between the Friday 7pm and Tuesday 10pm sessions.
We will again have the club coaches on hand for the sessions which will be coached and structured unlike the meet and trains we've been doing at rosses point so are well worth doing.
We will also continue the video analysis (underwater camera etc) which we did last year and think everyone found it very useful to see their own stroke for themselves.
Swim training will be strictly limited to club members with the winter sessions going on for 12 weeks into december. You can only do one of the two nights so as many people can take part as possible.
Details of registration will follow, stay tuned to the blog for details.