A review of the swim footage will take place on Tuesday 16th November at 8pm in Carraroe Community Hall (beside church at roundabout). The 10pm swim will go ahead as normal so we will finish by 9:45pm at the latest.
The review will be carried out in two groups by the coaches where each swimmers strengths and weaknesses will be explained used the video footage and drills or changes recommened to address faults.
We will be using overhead projectors for the footage but if anyone would prefer to have their footage reviewed one to one at the end, that's no problem just let us know on the night.
Everyone will get a CD with their footage (4 camera angles) on it to keep and to look at in more detail. This is all inclusive of the term fee for the swimming, there is no additional cost or for any other club members taking part.
Any questions to shane_odoherty@yahoo.co.uk