A reminder that the Swim Time Trial (400m) takes place on Friday night 15th April at 9:50pm in the sports complex pool.
This is the last one before the swim series kicks off so a last chance to hone your racing skillls before we hit the sea.
Anyone taking part needs to be in the viewing area for 9:20pm to register and get their final lane details.
We will be tight on time so need to keep things moving and late arrivals will not be able to take part.
There's no charge to take part and we have 4 prizes on offer, to be awarded to the 3 swimmers with the biggest % time improvement from the events we did in December and February and one prize for the best newcomer.
Below is a final list of the entries with provisional wave and lane allocations. If you're not on it you're very welcome to come along and watch but there are no more places available. If anyone on the list finds they cannot take part please let me know.
The female competition is set to be a tight contest with a strong field of new comers to the TT, which are set to make it a very interesting race.
We need time keepers, one for each lane to take the splits, so if anyone not taking part could please volunteer or if people taking part could nominate someone to help it would be much appreciated.
The prizes will be presented in Connolly’s bar straight after Fridays race so all are welcome to come to that.
Good luck to everyone taking part and for more information contact race organiser Lynsey Dunne Lynsey.Dunne@abbott.com